Sunday, August 31, 2008


This week has passed in a blur, worked on Monday, Tuesday had to take the Sebring to Werribee for its one year or 24,000k service, which was a laugh because have only done 15,000kms, but still needed to be done. Had organised for Trish to pick me up and to go shopping while the car was being serviced. To kill time while I was waiting went for a stroll around the used car section and what did I behold but a 2004 Nissan Patrol, auto, diesel with dual fuel tanks and in very good condition and the price was very good, so rang Phil and told him about it with the end result that they brought the car out home for him to have a look at and after some wheeling and dealing we are now the proud owners of a new vehicle. Phil traded the ute which he bought when we started the business so it was sad to see it go as it had been a very reliable car.
Trish and I had a great time shopping at Werribee and managed not to spend to much money but had a nice time. Thursday we had lunch in the city with Mel and Ben and on Friday I worked the morning at the Centre. Saturday night scrapped with Trish and thats about it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Phil and I went into the city today to help Mel celebrate her birthday. Mel finished work at lunch time and we met up with her and Ben for lunch. We walked back to Ben's apartment and left her pressie there and then headed down to Degreaves Street to a cafe where Mel and I had previously had lunch. After we had eaten we went for a stroll into the centre of Melbourne. A very pleasant way to spend an afternoon and it was lovely to catch up with them both. Hope you enjoyed your pressies and your day even though you have a rotten cold. Goodluck with your dinner party on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today Monique celebrated her birthday with a reptile party. As you can see from the photos everybody got to hold, stroke and play with a variety of lizards, snakes, frogs and a baby crocodile. I have a dislike for snakes etc. so I did'nt hold any but did manage a very small touch of a very large snake my son in law had wrapped around his neck. Yuck is all I can say.... I just could'nt touch them. Anyway it was Moniques day and she had a wonderful time.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


We all got together at lunch today to celebrate Phil's birthday. Mel & Ben along with the Kellys and Clarks all came for lunch. After birthday cake we headed off to the bowling alley for a couple of games. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves especially young Ms Kelly whobowled well. The Clark girls did well both with good scores. As for the big boys unfortunately Phil cracked under the pressure in the second game, but everybody had a good time. I enjoyed myself but will suffer the consequents tomorrow when the poor old back will be complaining bitterly. The girls came back home and we had fish and chips for tea, followed by brandy snaps, cream and raspberries, mmm..... very yummy. As Phil said "A really nice way to spend the day".

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I was sitting at work about 4.00pm this afternoon when suddenly the heavens opened and down came the rain shortly followed by the hail. As you can see from these photos taken about 5.20pm when I got home from work it looked like snow. Phil who was home when the rain and hail hit said it was incredible the hail was about 2 inches thick on the ground and blocked all the downpipes. Winter at its best.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Happy Birthday to my darling husband who turned 54 today. Although he had to work until lunch time he has had a really good day. Thanks to family and friends for his cards and gifts, a book from the Clarks "The Great Australian Shearing Stories" which he will enjoy, a couple of DVD's and a circular saw from yours truly. Simon called in for a birthday drink and chat as well. We have been out for tea tonight at Rubys and then to play the pokies which proved to be a windfull for Phil as he won the minor jackpot and came home with an extra $50 in his wallet. On SAturday all the gang will be here for lunch and then off to the bowling alley for a roll and giggle which will be fun the kids all love playing as do the adults so should be a good afternoon.

Friday, August 1, 2008


VODKA DOESN'T FREEZE by Leah Giarratano
I have just finished reading this book which Trish loaned me. I have enjoyed it although at the start was a bit iffy because of the topic but overcame that and thoroughly enjoyed it. Trish has the next book in the series so will borrow that shortly. As with all Australian authors I enjoy the fact that places they refer to are here in Australia and that I can identify with them, this always adds to the storyline as you are able to see with your minds eye where the action is taking place.
Am now back to reading the last of the Carla Neggers books that I borrowed from the library and have a new author to read Giles Blunt - I haven't read anything of his before but the blurb looks interesting so we will see what its like. Thats it people, happy reading to all those who enjoy the turning of the pages.