Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye Max

Sadly this morning Byron's boxer Max passed away. He was about 10 years old and had had a very good life, born in Queensland, he came to live with Byron & Kylie in Albury, then travelled with them to Darwin and then back to Victoria to Pucka and on Byron's discharge from the army to Melton where he spent this remaining years. He was a beautiful dog, with a gentle nature even though he was a very large dog. I will miss him and looking after him when they were away.

Max you were a wonderful friend and companion to Byron and you will be missed.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Last night I went to see this movie with a friend from work. We had a quick tea at Ruby's the local pizza place and then went to the 6.45pm show. The Proposal starred Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds and is a story about Margaret a domineering ice queen boss and her male assistant Andrew. Margaret is about to be deported and orders Andrew to marry her. From there the story progress into some very funny and some not so funny scenes but all in all a good laugh and is definately a chic movie. And I got to use my Seniors Card for the first time lol.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well have finally got around to updating my blog. Must admit have been fairly busy with one thing or another the past couple of months and havent found the time to write my normal updates. We have had to replace our computer following a rather nasty bug, so with the help of Ben we have two computers now, one for the business and one for us. We seem to have finally got ourselves sorted after a few hiccups but are now running smoothly.

We have been to Darwin for our yearly visit with Deb & Steve and as usual for Phil to go fishing, unfortunately no fish this year, the wet was hanging around and it was very humid still so the fish had taken a holiday. We have a great time but must admit although the weather was great by the end was looking forward to coming home. Phil spent a couple of days working with Steve and came home full of ideas to renovate our bathrooms, so will see what happens. We went to a Camp Quality Dinner which was fantastic, the students at the Charles Darwin University, Hospitatily section did all the catering and wine choices, and we had a really great meal and some lovely wines which we have managed to acquire with some degree of difficulty on our return home. Now to enjoy the Bonking Frog Merlot which we finally managed to get in Ballarat last week. Unfortunately didnt get to catch up with Kyle and Jan but hopefully will do that next year. Mel and Ben house sat for us while we were away and will be back later in the year to look after the house again. Hopefully Molly won't be locked in the bedroom for 7 hours this time, poor thing she was very distressed but has recovered.

The Clark's and the Kelly's have been in Alice Springs supporting Byron in his ride in the Finke. Congratulations Byron on completing this very gruelling ride and to finish in itself is an achievement from what I have heard and read so well done on doing as well as you did. While the Clarks were away we had Monty to stay, he enjoyed himself not to sure about my dogs, but they are now back to their normal routine so won't tell them yet that Monty is coming back at the end of the month.

Spent a couple of lovely days with Dearne when she was over recently staying with Emma. We a day at Soveriegn Hill and a trip to the pictures to see Star Trek which was great and it was so good to spend time with my dear friend who is doing it tough at the moment.

We spent our Ruddy money on airfares for our next holiday in October, the added $1800 allowed us to change our plans from the Cook Islands to go to Disneyland instead with a stopover in Las Vegas, so am looking forward to the big adventure later in the year.

Have been working fairly steadily the last couple of months and am about to cover for two weeks leave this coming weeks and after that will be working, Mon, Tues & Thurs mornings till the end of October and also covering for Tammie while she is away for 5 weeks so will deserve my holiday in October.

Phil has been selling a few tanks recently and we delivered one out to North Drummond last week to a lovely couple who live in the middle of nowhere. It was a nice day out, the weather was very cold but it didnt rain. The couple we delivered the tank too do not have electricity, running water or gas, so are totally self sufficient and made me realise that I didn't want to live that way myself it looked like hard work.

This weekend Phil is away and Craig is in Shepparton so have had Bridgette here last night and part of today. Tonight I am off to have pizza and go to the pictures with Sandy one of the women I work with we are going to see The Proposal.

The only other thing of significance is that Craig was made redundant at the end of May so is now once again on the job hunting trail, but with things the way they are, its not a good time to be out of work.