Monday, September 27, 2010


THE GRAY MAN by Mark Greaney. This is another new author I have discovered and added to my reading list. "Courtland Gentry is a good man and a great assassin. To those who lurk in the shadows, he's known as the Gray Man. He is a legend in the covert realm, moving silently from job to job, accomplishing the impossible and then fading away. But there are forces more lethal than Gentry in the world. Forces like money and power. And there are men who hold these as the only currency worth fighting for. And in their eyes, Gentry has just outlived his usefulness. But Court Gentry is going to prove that, for him, there's no gray area between killing for a living and killing to stay alive.." Must admit have so far thoroughly enjoyed this book, another character along the lines of Lee Child's Jack Reacher.


I am very excited I have just purchased a ticket to the grand final replay next Saturday. I was only able to get one ticket with my membership so will be going by myself, anyway Phil will be away in Queensland. I will be sitting at the very top of the Ponsford Stand but at least I will be able to look down on the goals and see the entire ground from my perch. As I have never been to a grand final ialthough have been to many prelim finals to watch the Saints this is the first time at a grand final and only because of the draw last Saturday. All I can say is GO SAINTS and another thing off my bucket list of must do things.


On Saturday morning we got up early and headed of to Cape Schanck. It was a cool overcast morning but we enjoyed ourselves.
The walk down to the beach was via a long flight of timber stairs. Once down on the foreshore we discovered that the beach was mostly smooth rocks and no seashells or sand. There was a bit of a swell so the waves were breaking on the rocks. Next came the long walk back up the stairs to the top which proved to be a bit of a struggle but finally made it to the top. We then returned to the kiosk which had opened and got our tokens to go through to the lighthouse and surrounds. We very pleasant way to spend a morning. We then headed back into Rosebud and had morning tea before making our way back home to watch the Grand Final.


Dearne had come over for a quick few days to catch up with her family and I was luck enough to have her staying with me for a couple of days. I collected her from the airport on Wednesday night and on Thursday we had a girls day out shopping at Watergardens. I don't think we stopping talking the entire time. It's amazing how you can spend six hours shopping and not actually buy very much but enjoyed looking and trying on things we didn't buy. On Friday morning Emma picked Dearne up on her way through to Melbourne. It was lovely to be able to spend time with her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Have just discovered this author. He is Australian and is from Victoria. Have read Head Shot and am currently reading his second book Blood Sunset. Have enjoyed the first book and am about a third of the way through the second one. If you like reading Australian crime then you will enjoy meeting Ruben McCauley a detective with the StKilda Police.


Don't you love the shoes. We had to wear them when we went mud crabbing in the mangroves. I didn't go into the mangroves I spent the time strolling along the waters edge and mud flats. Phil went into the mangroves after crabs and came back covered in mud up to his knees but he enjoyed himself. He and young Joshua the son of our guide found a huge crab but couldn't get it out from under a rock so they only brought back its big claw which Joshua took home for his tea. They ended up with two crabs which they cooked on an open fire on the beach, we all got to have a taste. This was another experience we would probably not have had if we hadn't gone on the tour. This tour lasted 14 hours by the time we got back to Broome. The biggest time consumer was the 90kms of unsealed road which was in a very poor condition.


One of the fun things we did was to do the camel ride at Cable Beach. Have to say that I was a little nervous about doing this and as it turned out have to say I was not that comfortable riding on a camel. As Phil weights more than me he got to be at the back. When the camel stands up you have to lean back as you get tilted forward in the saddle. In the soft sand they tend to sway a far bit but once on the wet sand it got better. Enjoyed the scenery and it was lovely to watch the sunset as we strolled along the beach. Dismounting is nearly as bad as getting on but survived and thats another thing off the bucket list.


We have just had a wonderful 7 days in Broome. The weather was hot about 33 degrees each day, clear blue skies and a gentle breeze late in the day. We stayed at the Broome Vacation Village which is about 4 kms from the centre of Broome on the way to the Port area. The cabin although not flash was comfy and meet all our needs. When we arrived on the Sunday we collected our hire car a little 4 door Getz and on the way to where we were staying dropped into the Information Centre and then had a quick look at the weekend market which is held at the court house each Saturday and Sunday, after a quick look around and a hamburger (yummy) we checked in at the caravan park and set about organising ourselves. Found the supermarket and got supplies. On Monday we booked several tours and in the afternoon did the Pearl Lugger tour and the camel ride at Cable Beach. Tuesday we went to Windjana Gorge and Tunnel Creek.On the way we stopped at the Boab Prison Tree. On Wednesday we drove to Derby for a look and lunch and on Thursday we did the big trip to Cape Leveque. We visited Beagle Bay where the beautiful Scared Heart church is. The main alter is made from white pearl shell.. something to see really beautiful. From there to Lombadina and then to the Cape where we had lunch on the beach followed by swimming for those who wanted too or like us strolled along the coast line.We then returned to the other side of Cape Leveque to the red cliff area and then met up with our guides who took us to One Arm Point to go mud crabbing.