Thursday, September 11, 2008



As we both had time off this week we decided to take the Patrol for a short trip to see how it goes and what it was like to travel in for a couple of days and for me to get used to driving such a big vehicle. We set off on Tuesday morning and made our way cross country to Euroa where we stopped for lunch, unfortunately the local bakery's pasties were not up to scratch and must say they were one of the worst pasties we have ever had, never mind the apple cake was good. From there we headed up to Rutherglen for a look around and we had coffee and bought several bottles of red at the local IGA supermarket at a very good price. From there we took a slight detour and went to have a look at Chiltern. Sadly not much to see at Chiltern these days so we then made our way to Howlong for the night. We stayed at the only motel in town at the Golf and Bowling Club. Our accommodation was very nice and the price even better. We played the pokies and at the end of the night broke even which was good. In the morning we went into Lavington to SPC outlet store and stocked up on goodies then on to Holbrook to see the submarine and have a coffee break before heading up to Tarcutta to see the memorial wall to truckies, found Phil's friend Rooster and his photo, then had lunch at the truck stop before starting our return trip home. We had a lovely time, the weather was great, it was fun driving the 4wd and it was good to get back home even if we did nearly run out of diesel on the way home.

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