Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Yesterday we went to Shepparton to SPC Ardmona to stock up on goodies. We had a great trip, the weather was overcast but warm and we just meandered up the back way through Romsey to outside Heathcote where we turned off and headed for Nagambie where we had lunch, once again the bakery didnt live up to expectations and Phil's sausage rolls left him feeling queasy for the rest of the day. From there we headed into Shepparton and over to Mooroopna to the SPC outlet where we stacked the trolley with tins of fruit, fruit juice, baked beans, spagetti, nuts, chocies, and all sorts of pickles, olives etc. and other sundry items before heading to the checkout. If you belong to the RACV you get an extra 5% discount so that was good as we had managed to spend a considerable amount but luckily about half of the goodies where for Trish.
After a quick coffee we headed out of town via Tatura, Rushworth and worked our way back to the Calder Highway and home. We also found the address for their Ballarat outlet so the next time we won't have to travel all that way to stock up.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Tonight Phil and I went to see Andre Rieu at Telstra Dome. We parked at Crown and had dinner there before walking up to the Dome. It was an amazing evening, the transformation of a football field into an indoor concert arena was magnificent, the stage itself was huge and covered about a third of the arena. Having seen Andre's concerts on Foxtel many times it was just wonderful to sit there and be enthralled by the music, the singers and dancers. The three male singers where unbelieveable and stole the show from the three female singers.
The show had everything, Andre and his violin, his interaction with the audience, as I said the singers, dancers, skaters, a beautiful horse drawn coach, and several hundred Pipers as part of the finale. The show went from 8.00pm with a 20 minute interval and finished at about 11.15pm. It certainly was value for money. After the show we made our way back to Crown and had a drink at the bar and then made our way home, a very late night but a good one.

Friday, November 14, 2008



Our eldest granddaughter Stephanie turned 14 today. Happy Birthday Steph hope you had a great day and enjoyed all your presents.

Sunday, November 9, 2008



While I was out having lunch with Mel and going to the movies Phil was at Sandown spending the day with Ian and his friends enjoying seeing all the old racing cars of a bygone era and taking in all the sights. Phil thoroughly enjoyed himself, he took the EH out there and it ran like a charm and he just had a wonderful day.

Went in on the train to meet Mel for lunch and a bit of shopping at the DFO (Mel bought two pairs of shoes and I was good didn't buy anything always the way when you have money in purse to spend) and then to the movies at Crown to see Nights at Rodanthe. Cant say it was one of the best movies I've seen recently but it was okay. After that we wandered through the crowds at Crown and was making our way back to Spencer Street and the station when I got a message from Janet that she was at Docklands so arranged to meet up with her and she brought me back to Melton, where I collected my car from the station and went home. Janet stayed for tea and it was lovely to catch up with her and all her news.

Saturday, November 1, 2008



It has certainly been very busy these past couple of weeks, but have now finished my stint at work and hopefully will manage to have a couple of weeks break before we head off to Rockhampton. Phil has been working on getting the VK on the road and with some luck it will be ready for its roadworthy late next week. We took time out last Sunday 26 October to go and see the Rocky Horror Show which neither of us had seen and we had a great time, met Mel for a late afternoon tea before she headed off to a Crown funtion and we then meandered through the city checking out the shops until the show started at 6pm. We enjoyed the show and afterwards walked back down to Crown Casino where we had parked the car, had a little play on the pokies on the way through and even managed to go home with a little extra in our pockets.

Have some problems with my back, had physio with the hope that it would strengthen it up, but we seemed to have only aggrevated the nerve and I am now having some very painfull days while it is venting its displeasure at being made to do what it doesnt want to do. Hence the physio has stopped and we are now looking at the possibility of hydro to help it. Will see how it pans out, but at the moment doing nothing in the hope it will all settle down again.

Went to Jordja's concert the other night, it was good to see all the littlies singing and acting out the letters of the alphabet. Jordja is so tiny compared to the rest of them but she certainly enjoyed doing her letter. Its hard to believe that she has nearly completed her first year of school.

We spent our tax cheques last Saturday and finally replaced our table and chairs which we starting to show signs of ageing, we also bought a buffet to match so now have unwanted furniture to get rid of, which we will try to sell on ebay. Oops almost forget that we had to replace our dishwasher as well so you could say a new kitchen, just need to finish the painting and it will be done.

Other than that nothing much else happening, the Clark's are about half way through their holiday in Surfers and hopefully enjoying themselves. Christmas is looming fast, need to start getting organised for this year festivities, hopefully will get the cakes made this week.