Friday, December 26, 2008


When I found out that Phil would be away on Christmas Day I was not happy, but we both ended up having a good day. Phil spent the day with his sister Gayle and her partner Steve in Toowoomba where he had Christmas lunch with Steve's family and was made most welcome. Mel and Ben stayed on Christmas Eve and had their first christmas together at home. Ben is a present poker and it was very hard for him to leave the presents with tags on them for him alone, and had to laugh to myself when at 6.30 in the morning I could here the rustle of paper as he unwrapped Mel's present to him. Needless to say we were all up early and had a great time unwrapping presents. This year for the first time I didnt have much to do for lunch as Trish cooked the meat and vegies and made sweets, so it appears that the changing of the guard is happening. We had a lovely lunch and headed off home about 3.30pm, a quick call to Ian and then a sleep. We headed back for tea about 6 which Byron and Kylie did and it was nice to just sit back and relax although I was missing Phil it was good to be with all the kids and grandkids.

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