Saturday, February 14, 2009


During my last visit to Launceston to research James Peters I made an appointment to see Ross Smith at the Queen Victoria Museum. Unfortunately he was unable to assist me with the information I was looking for i.e. map of Invermay circa 1889 to locate the area of King Street where James Peters died. He explained that a lot of the streets in the early days of Invermany had been renamed and therefore lost. But in talking to him and showing a newspaper article about James moving his business into a building in Cameron Street owned by a Mr Genders he found some early photos of Cameron Street and informed me that in fact there was now a laneway called Genders Lane and that the building to the left was the original building owned by Mr Genders. So after some actually visual research with Dearne we concluded that the building now painted cream was the building not the lovely one next door.

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