Friday, July 31, 2009


As our driver was in the truck and I've been working, Phil has been able to spend several days working on the old girl as he calls her. She now has new disc brakes and some body work done. Although a slow process she is slowly coming back to her former self and then she will be ready for a visit to the spray painter. Then he will start on the interior - red leather seats are very expensive.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Round 17 and we are still undefeated. What a great match against the Bulldogs last night. With two keys players missing we still played our attacking brand of football. With 5 games to go we may be lucky and manage to go the whole season undefeated.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


On Wednesday night Phil, Trish and yours truly went to see Jersey Boys. We had a great night, the show was fabulous, the performers were very good and the music was out of this world. The Four Seasons is one of my favourite groups and it was great to sit and listen to the story of their lives and listen to their fantastic music. Our seats were 8 rows from the stage so we were able to see the cast up close and to see how hard they were working. The cast got a standing ovation at the end of the show. Trish bought both of the cd's so we played the Four Seasons all the way back home in the car. The other cd was of the stage show so will get to hear that when she has finished listening to it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have been researching into the Trish & Byron's family history on their fathers side and yesterday (Saturday) Phil and I went to Bendigo to the library to do some more research into the Dodd/Cardwell families. It was a quite successfull day, adding some more information about the Dodd family to my collection and discovering that the family had ties with the town of Chewton and were miners. We now have other family names to add to the list, i.e. the Morrison's, Campbell's who married into the Dodd family. We also went to the Benidgo cemetary where Phil's mother is buried and also where the kids great grandmother Irene Cardwell has family is buried. We found the grave for her parents and brother. Her brother Richard died in Frances in the first world war.
Chewton is a lovely little town about 10 kilometres from Castlemaine. They have a farmers market every Saturday, so in the next few weeks we will make a return visit, they also have a family history section in their town hall which is open on weekends so will visit that as well.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


What a spectular game this was - all I can say is if both teams make it to the Grand Final it will be a game to see.
Thanks to Michael Gardner playing a fantastic game on his birthday, Nick as always 100% and Lenny Hayes playing another great game. Well done boys. And as for the backline boys they played the game of their lives.


While the rest of the Clark's are away on holidays Steph is staying with us for a few days. On Friday we headed off to Watergardens for Steph to have a makeup lesson. We spent about 45 minutes there while Steph was shown how to apply her makeup properly, then headed off to Highport for lunch and then to do some shopping. With money spent by both of us and goodies to take home a very successful day.


On Sunday the 17th May we ventured up to Meredith to watch Byron and the girls ride at the track up there. It was Byron's final practice run before heading off to Finke. Although the weather was overcast the rain held off and it wasn't too cold. This was the first time we had seen Byron racing and must say he raced very well. Both the girls competed well. On the way back home we meandered through the country side and ended up out at Eynesbury the new estate just out of Melton. We stopped and had a look at a few display houses and the estate itself and its a very nice place, very quiet and should be quite something when it is finally finished.


Last Sunday Phil & I took the girls to Science Works. It was the first time I had been there so enjoyed seeing all the different displays and how things work, doing tasks with the girls and having a lot of fun. Suprised myself that I could still shoot goals at the netball ring but didnt try out the sprint track, but Monique did well her times were very good. We did the robot workshop andNique and Jordja both made robots. All in all a good day and it didnt break the bank a very economical way to spend the day for families. And I got to use my seniors card again, I got in for free only Phil had to pay.