Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have been researching into the Trish & Byron's family history on their fathers side and yesterday (Saturday) Phil and I went to Bendigo to the library to do some more research into the Dodd/Cardwell families. It was a quite successfull day, adding some more information about the Dodd family to my collection and discovering that the family had ties with the town of Chewton and were miners. We now have other family names to add to the list, i.e. the Morrison's, Campbell's who married into the Dodd family. We also went to the Benidgo cemetary where Phil's mother is buried and also where the kids great grandmother Irene Cardwell has family is buried. We found the grave for her parents and brother. Her brother Richard died in Frances in the first world war.
Chewton is a lovely little town about 10 kilometres from Castlemaine. They have a farmers market every Saturday, so in the next few weeks we will make a return visit, they also have a family history section in their town hall which is open on weekends so will visit that as well.

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