Friday, July 23, 2010


Haven't been blogging for awhile but need to get back into the habit. Since my last entry I have had a birthday which was very enjoyable. Went out for dinner and as it was St Patricks day enjoyed some great entertainment.

Have managed to have a short trip away in our caravan to Warrnambool and look forward to getting away later in the year. I suppose the biggest event was our trip to Canada and Alaska which was just fantastic. Although we were flying for about 28 hours i.e. Melbourne - Auckland 5 hours with a 3 hour layover. From there to LA 12 hours, then another layover for 4 hours, then a 3 hour trip to Vancouver it was worth it. We had a spare day in Vancouver so headed off to Whistler to have a look at where the winter olympics where held. A very pretty place and our first chance to see snow capped mountains which were to become quite a familiar sight for the next 8 days.

Our cruise up the inside passage was wonderful, the scenery so breathtaking and the thing we noticed the most was how clean everywhere we went was. The weather was perfect about 14deg c and clear blue skies, the only rain we had lasted about 1 hour in the morning. We saw glaciers, spectular mountains covered in snow, went whale watching, toured a disused mine, went on a fantastic train trip at Skagway into Canada (the original route to the Yukon) and on our final day did a half day cruise at Seward before busing it back to Anchorage. We fly back to LA late that night and had two days there before heading home. We enjoyed the cruise and met some lovely people as usual. We even won the final of the trivia contest with a couple we met and spent time with. All in all a very good trip.

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