Monday, February 25, 2008


Phil and I have just spent 5 days in Tassie. We had a nice relaxing time with my brother and his partner in Devonport and then 3 days in Launceston with friends. When we were in Devonport we went to the car show which featured early model holdens and other varities of cars. Some great EH's on show. Phil and Ian happily browsed the lot and had a good time.

Back to Devonport on Saturday afternoon after a quick visit to Anvers to purchase some lovely chocies for Dearne. We spent a great time with Dearne and Bill including many visits to coffee shops and some retail therapy in Launceston. Our friends live two blocks from the main shopping area so was no hardship to stroll down for coffee.

On the Sunday we went to Evandale to the market where I managed to purchase an old recipe book for Trish which had a recipe for Rabbit Fricasse so she can now make her own. Had lunch at the Bakery there and then some more retail therapy followed by a quick visit to the cassino on the way home.

On the Monday morning before heading home we spent sometime taking photos of houses in York Street where my great great great grandfather lived when he settled there in 1840's.


Trish said...

always handy Mum to actually write something in your posts lol
Well done on setting up your blog all by your self!!!!!!

Ann said...

Lol have corrected that and changed the colour scheme as well

Trish said...

well done
It looks great I love your header
Off to make the rabbit friccase !!

Ann said...

Have done some more work but need to get a good photo of myself this one is the best of a bad lot lol.