Sunday, April 27, 2008


Spent a very lazy day today doing not a lot. After the Saints woeful display last night I sometimes wonder why I barrick for them, but hopefully they will get their act together next week. Didnt have the motivation to do much, so decided that I would spend sometime doing family history research on the computer as I am off to Launceston on the 24th May to spend sometime at the library there researching my elusive relatives. Found some more info but am hoping that when I get there I will be able to find further newspaper articles and other stuff .... it can be very frustrating looking for info and not getting the results you hoped for... still will persist as it is fascinating to discover new bits about the family.


As Phil had planned to go fishing on Saturday I decided it was a good chance to catch up with Janet for lunch, and for me to do some shopping in Ballarat. I havent shopped in Ballarat for quite awhile. We meet at Lincraft where I thought I would be able to get the wool for my throw rug, but was disappointed that they didnt have the wool, damm.... but managed to buy some scrapping supplies so that was good, we then went over to Wendouree to Spotlight where I got the wool for my throw rug. We then headed across the road to Stocklands for lunch and some more window shopping. Stocklands has certainly changed since I lived there and the shops are very different. We very nice day out and I managed to beat the rain home.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Mel will be staying with us over the weekend as she is working at Williams. She decided it was easier to stay than to travel from Werribee each day. She is currently working three jobs as she is still casual at Crown so needs to supplement her income with her other jobs. Hopefully this will change soon as she has an interview for a full time job at Crown so good luck with that Mel.It will be nice to have her home for a few days.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


" Oh when the Saints, go marching in, Oh when the Saints go marching in, I want to be there with StKilda when the Saints go marching in "

Last night Phil & I took my granddaughter Steph and her friend to the StKilda/Essendon game . We decided to drive in and parked at the Casino, where we all had KFC before heading up the hill to Telstra Dome.

And what a game it was, the 47,000 odd crowd were treated to a feast of good play, lots of goals, hard hitting footy at its best. Steph screamed and yelled herself silly barracking for the Bombers while her grandmother tried to restrain herself but finally gave into her usual behaviour and yelled and screamed along with her. I thought when the Bombers got a run on in the third quarter that we were in for a big final quarter and it certainly was but the Saints manager to curb the flow of Essendon goals and finally ran out winners by 36 points. It was great to see Robert Harvey put in such a good game and the new comers before well.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Work has finally began on the paving of the backyard. We decided sometime ago that it would be easier to do this so that the dog would have dry feet in the winter and hopefully the cream carpet would say clean.

As Phil has been home for the past week, he has been working on getting a the section outside the back door done and he has also put in a new drainage outlet in the middle of the yard as well so that when he has time to do some more paving he can continue without having to stop to put it in. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks the work will be done.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This is for Byron who is always telling his friends that his Mum makes the best hamburgers in the world. He was far from happy when I told him that we were having them for tea tonight, so I took a photo so that he could see what he had missed out on.

Monday, April 14, 2008


This weekend has been very busy. My girlfriend Deb arrived from Darwin at 6.30am on Friday morning for the weekend to attend a three day course on real estate investing. By the time I got back from the birthday celebrations in Bacchus Marsh we had a quick catchup and off to bed as the very long day had caught up with her.
Saturday morning saw me up and about early so when Janet rang and asked if I could go for coffee I said "Of course" so we headed over to Gloria Jeans and while we were busy enjoying our coffee Byron and the gang arrived so we went and sat with them while they had an early lunch. Finally headed back home about 12.30 for a quick lunch and then off to a Postie party where I spent money on a new top and cammie (black outfit so not me but lovely) then home by 5.00pm to get ready to go out for dinner.
Phil in the meantime had been off fishing with one of the other subbies from Kalari and rang to say he was running late but should be home by 7.00. Anyway we all ended up at Ruby's one of our usual haunts for a nice meal. Deb's son and grandson were also with us.
Sunday night Janet and Deb helped us eat the Elephant fish that Phil had caught the day before and even though I am not a fish eater must say it was not bad eating. Finally tumbled into bed about 10.30 feeling very tired and thankful that I didnt have to go to work the next day.


On Friday night family and friends celebrated my daughter-in-law Kylie's birthday at Flannagans Pub in Bacchus Marsh. A good night was had by all. Hope you had a great birthday and that you enjoy your new camera and take many great snaps with it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Instead of buying easter eggs for my granddaughter each year I take them to the pictures instead.

This year due to my being away crusing over Easter and that the school holidays were earlier than usual I didnt get to take the girls till last Thursday.

Nique, Boo and Jordja and I went to see Horton Hears a Who.
Its was a bit scary in places for Jordja who ended up sitting in my lap but they all agreed that it had been a good movie and the girls enjoyed eating popcorn, ice cream, lollies and soft drink.

Steph decided that this year she would rather go with her friends so she got money instead.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Today we decided to head off in the EH and go for a drive. We had intended to go to Gisbourne to the market and then have lunch, but when we got to Gisbourne the place was packed, so we headed off towards Woodend/Kyneton and have lunch there. The old girl was running beautifully and it was nice just crusing along, the weather was good and its amazing how much conversation you manage when you dont have a radio in the car. We finally ended up at Kyneton where we had lunch at the bakery and then headed off done towards Trentham but didnt make it out of Piper Road where stopped and did some retail therapy. Phil got a call from Mel that she wanted to come over and collect some more of her stuff and that she was bringing along her new boyfriend. So that changed our plans and we headed straight back home via the supermarket to get supplies. We decided that a bbq was the quickest solution and had a lovely night with Mel, Ben and Craig. Mel was even surprised that Ben got along with Craig.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


We decided last Friday to go to the St Kilda - Carlton game at the Telstra Dome so did my usual trick and booked the seats online. Unfortunately, it turned out that Phil had to work on the Saturday so instead of wasting the ticket I took his son Craig (who now lives with us) along with me to the game.
It was strange being at the game without Phil but Craig and I had a good time and it was a good game to watch. Although I am a mad Saints fan it was good to see the likes of Chris Judd playing the first time I had actually seen him play and even though he needed a run he is certainly a marvelous player.
The Saints won so I went home a happy fan. I also bought myself a St Kilda polar fleecy to wear this year.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Earlier this year Mel decided it was time for her to spread her wings and move out. This momumental event took place while we were away cruising at Easter. It is still a work in progress but the majority of her goodies have finally been moved to their new home in Werribee where she is now sharing a house with two of her girlfriends and two guys as well. It is strange not having her at home and we do miss her company but it was time for her to be with young people not with a couple of old fogies like us. I know she is going to hate this photo but couldnt find a more recent one, so when I do will change it Mel.
Next project for her father is to collect her new bed from her grandparents in Ballarat which hopefully will happen next week. In the meantime Craig is settling nicely into her old room and making himself at home.