Monday, April 14, 2008


This weekend has been very busy. My girlfriend Deb arrived from Darwin at 6.30am on Friday morning for the weekend to attend a three day course on real estate investing. By the time I got back from the birthday celebrations in Bacchus Marsh we had a quick catchup and off to bed as the very long day had caught up with her.
Saturday morning saw me up and about early so when Janet rang and asked if I could go for coffee I said "Of course" so we headed over to Gloria Jeans and while we were busy enjoying our coffee Byron and the gang arrived so we went and sat with them while they had an early lunch. Finally headed back home about 12.30 for a quick lunch and then off to a Postie party where I spent money on a new top and cammie (black outfit so not me but lovely) then home by 5.00pm to get ready to go out for dinner.
Phil in the meantime had been off fishing with one of the other subbies from Kalari and rang to say he was running late but should be home by 7.00. Anyway we all ended up at Ruby's one of our usual haunts for a nice meal. Deb's son and grandson were also with us.
Sunday night Janet and Deb helped us eat the Elephant fish that Phil had caught the day before and even though I am not a fish eater must say it was not bad eating. Finally tumbled into bed about 10.30 feeling very tired and thankful that I didnt have to go to work the next day.

1 comment:

Melsta said...

busy weekend indeed... but I'm still waiting to hear how last nights football match went!!! Poor Bombers :(