Friday, May 30, 2008


Congratulations Melanie - Well done!!!!!

This morning we attended Mel's graduation ceremory from Victoria University which was held at Flemington Racecourse. It was an early start for Mel as she had to be there at 8.00am luckily Phil, Craig & I didnt have to get there till after 9. Melanie's grandparents came down from Ballarat for the ceremory and her boyfriend Ben was there too. Ben was running late so Craig got the job of waiting out the front for him as we had the tickets and they ended up with better seats than we did. The ceremory was very well run and the whole thing took a total of about one half hours. After they received their degrees, there was a keynote speaker who was followed by the validitory speaker then it was all over.

Finger food, tea and coffee was provided upstairs in the Viewing Room which overlooks the finishing post and has wonderful views of Melbourne. We left about 1.00pm for home and Mel and Ben headed back into the city for lunch then off to South Yarra to get together with her other uni mates for drinks. A few photo's from the day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


One of the reasons for my trip to Launceston was to do some more research into my family and I am glad to say that I did manage to find out a few more interesting things about our original descendant James Peters. The most interesting being the confirmation that he was in fact a halfcaste Chinese gentleman. This gives some truth to the story told by my mother that he was the child of a Chinese princess as she put it and a merchant. He married his first wife Eliza Boon on 24 December 1847 at the Holy Trinity Church Cameron Street. The photos show the Holy Trinity Church as it is today whether this fine church was built back in 1847 I wasn't able to find out. I did find out that during his time as a merchant James Peters had businesses in Cameron Street, Patterson Street and George Street so took a few photos of building dating around that time in those locations.


During my stay with Dearne one of the special things we did was to walk up to the main shopping area of Launceston in the morning to have coffee. We would walk through City Park with its many oak trees which were loosing their leaves and the old Band Stand with its intricate lace work shrouded in the morning mist after the overnight rain. A really lovely way to start the day.Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 23, 2008


I did these layouts at the retreat at Lancefield. They are different from my usual style so was very pleased with how they turned out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


On Sunday Phil and I tidied up the wardrobe in the office and he has put shelves in for me to put all my scrapbooking goodies away instead of them being spread all over the house. It was wonderful on Monday when I had time to sort out all my bits and pieces and start to put things away. Now having started the process I realise that I need some more shelves so hopefully over the next week Phil will have time to put a couple of more in for me.

I am off to Tassie on Saturday to spend 5 days with Dearne and in particular to do some family history research at the library in Lauceston. I am hoping to find newspaper articles about the family and also to try and find out some more info on James Peters first wife Eliza, so hopefully might be able to track down where she was born and who her parents where. We might even strike it lucky and get a convict.... that would be great.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last Tuesday I finished Kylie's throw rug, this is the 5th rug that I have made over the past 18 months. The first one was for my friend Dearne, which I made for her when she moved to Tassie so that she would have a constant reminder of me. The next one was for Trish because she liked the one I made for Dearne, and then one for Melanie, then Steph asked me to make her an all black one to go with her new hot pink, light green and black bedroom and now I have just finished this one for Kylie is browns. Next in line is Monique followed by Jordja and then Boo and when I have finished all those I might get a chance to make one for myself. Hope you enjoy your rug Kylie as much as the others who have them.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Finally after having tried for over 2 weeks I managed to have a day out shopping at Watergardens. Although I have shopped locally its not the same as going to Watergardens as the selection in Melton is rather poor. Trish and I got there about 10.30 and spent the next 4 hours doing the rounds of the shops. Trish hadnt planned to buy anything but ended up getting some early Christmas and birthday shopping done, I also managed to pickup Boo's birthday present as well even though her birthday isnt till January. My major purchase was a very nice cardigan/jacket .... something I would not have choosen myself but at Trish's suggestion did and it looks good. We had a very naughty lunch of baked potatoes with the trimings then decided we would have a quick look at Spotlight where we managed to get some great little storage jars then over to Deer Park to Lincraft where I got wool to make a throw rug for Monique. So a really nice day out with Trish and not to much money spent so all in all a good time was had by us both.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today we decided to head off down to Queenscliff for a picinic lunch and to take the EH out for run. It was a beautiful day and we left home mid morning and arrived down there just before 12 noon. We ate our sandwiches in the park then strolled up to the main street to do some window shopping and just check out the surrounds and see what has changed since we were last here and our only purchases where two dark chocolate ginger bars from the pickle shop. We went into the local Tatts Pokie pub and killed some time playing the machines and walked out the door even. Back to the car after a stroll out on the jetty, to watch the ferry go out and then it was time to make our way home. A very nice relaxing day had by Phil and myself.

Sunday, May 11, 2008



What a great day we have had today. Trish had heard about this place so thought it would be a nice idea to spend Mothers Day there. Ashcombe Maze is about one and half hours from here on the Mornington Peninsula so we set off early to collect Mel from Werribee and travel down there. We arrived just before 11 and met up with the other family members Trish & Al and the girls and Byron, Kylie and Jordja. Trish had booked at table for lunch at 1.00pm so we had a couple of hours to roam around the grounds, to do the three main mazes and to just enjoy the beautiful colours of the autumm leaves, smell the lavender and the roses. A leisurely lunch was had by all .... although must say the service was very slow and those who had the macho's were not happy with them. I was spoilt in the present department by all the kids, Mel & Craig gave me a lovely presentation pack of goodies from the BodyShop, Trish gave me a beautiful jacket which looks great on, plus some great scrapbooking papers, stickers and stamps so very spoilt and Byron gave me CuttleBug die cutters and embossers which are cool and I had a play with them tonight showing Mel how they work. So all in all a good selection of pressies. We dropped Mel back in Werribee to collect her car and she then came home for tea - chicken kievs and brandy snaps with cream and raspberries yummy so all in all a very good day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008



Thank you Trish & Ann-Marie for putting on such a faboulous scrapbooking retreat last weekend at Lancefield. This was the first retreat I had been to and have to say it was great. The accommodation was very nice and the food was excellent and once again I probably ate far to much.

What was even more amazing was that I actually managed to scrap 8 layouts which is very good for me ... and must say thank you to Kat for putting up with me constantly asking her for her opinion on what I was doing.

When I get sometime I will add a couple of the layouts for all to see.