Tuesday, May 20, 2008


On Sunday Phil and I tidied up the wardrobe in the office and he has put shelves in for me to put all my scrapbooking goodies away instead of them being spread all over the house. It was wonderful on Monday when I had time to sort out all my bits and pieces and start to put things away. Now having started the process I realise that I need some more shelves so hopefully over the next week Phil will have time to put a couple of more in for me.

I am off to Tassie on Saturday to spend 5 days with Dearne and in particular to do some family history research at the library in Lauceston. I am hoping to find newspaper articles about the family and also to try and find out some more info on James Peters first wife Eliza, so hopefully might be able to track down where she was born and who her parents where. We might even strike it lucky and get a convict.... that would be great.


Trish said...

They look great Mum you need to get your storage sorted now!!!

Ann said...

Am working on it just need to find time to do it. Also managed to get another shelf this week so that has helped.