Saturday, March 14, 2009


What a great night we had at the Grand Star in Altona on the 6th March. It was a fund raising dinner for cancer and we went to support friends of Trish & Al. The main attraction for the evening was BABBA who we had never seen but as ABBA lovers we thought it would be good fun. Unfortunately they were not that good but we still managed to sing and dance the night away. The down side from the night is that by Monday my back had gone to god and have for the past week or so been in pain and unable to get about very much, but hopefully it will come good before my birthday and I run out of painkillers. Managed to go shopping with Trish and her friend Sally to Highpoint yesterday and got new shoes and evening bag to go with my outfit for the big 60th birthday dinner next saturday night. Might still be hobbling along but will hopefully look good. The upside of being housebound has been that I have read several more books and discovered the series A Horseman Riding By which original belonged to Mum and as I never saw the TV series have started to read the first book and it is lovely to be reading someone who writes so beautifully which a lot of the current writer don't do. Mind you I read the new Karen Rose in a day but don't think I will get through this lot quite so quick.

1 comment:

Trish said...

it was a fun night Even though they weren't the best entertainers.
I am lovin the KAren Rose books too !! Thanks for that