Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today Byron, Kylie, Jordja and Melanie joined me to do this walk in Melbourne today. We left from Federation Sqaure and headed up the Yarra for 2 k's then across the bridge and back down the other side. Although the weather was threatening it didn't rain and when the wind blowed it was cold, we all enjoyed the walk. Apparently about 1,000 people took part. Thank you Byron for organising this and for taking me. Byron raised approx $580 and was happy with the amount raised. We had lunch at Crown then headed off home. Have to admit my knee is starting to ache and my right foot is very sore but still have to walk the dogs now.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Happy birthday Melanie hope you have a great day and night.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

ALLAN KELLY 1927-2009

Today I learned of the passing of my former father-in-law and Trish and Byron's grandfather Allan Kelly. Allan was born in Sorrento on the 4th September 1927. He was well loved by his family and will be sadly missed. R.I.P.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Congratulations on becoming a teenager Monique hope you have had a wonderful birthday.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Last night to celebrate Phil's birthday we used the voucher Mel gave me for my birthday and had dinner on the ColonialTram Car Restaurant. We had a lovely time travelling through South Melbourne to StKilda and then back to the City. Our meal was excellent and the wine/champers were good. If you have never been I would thoroughly recommend it as a pleasant way to spend the evening.

Sunday, August 9, 2009



Last night we celebrated Monique's 13th birthday at a Super Hero's party at the Willows. We all had a great night and the birthday girl certainly enjoyed her party. As you can see we all got into the spirit of the night and dressed accordingly. Happy birthday for the 12th Monique.

Thursday, August 6, 2009



We spent a lovely evening at the Melton Golf Club tonight having a quiet dinner to celebrate Phil's birthday. With Monique's big 13th birthday party happening on Saturday night we will celebrate with the family then. Will post photos later from the big dress up party.

Friday, July 31, 2009


As our driver was in the truck and I've been working, Phil has been able to spend several days working on the old girl as he calls her. She now has new disc brakes and some body work done. Although a slow process she is slowly coming back to her former self and then she will be ready for a visit to the spray painter. Then he will start on the interior - red leather seats are very expensive.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Round 17 and we are still undefeated. What a great match against the Bulldogs last night. With two keys players missing we still played our attacking brand of football. With 5 games to go we may be lucky and manage to go the whole season undefeated.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


On Wednesday night Phil, Trish and yours truly went to see Jersey Boys. We had a great night, the show was fabulous, the performers were very good and the music was out of this world. The Four Seasons is one of my favourite groups and it was great to sit and listen to the story of their lives and listen to their fantastic music. Our seats were 8 rows from the stage so we were able to see the cast up close and to see how hard they were working. The cast got a standing ovation at the end of the show. Trish bought both of the cd's so we played the Four Seasons all the way back home in the car. The other cd was of the stage show so will get to hear that when she has finished listening to it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have been researching into the Trish & Byron's family history on their fathers side and yesterday (Saturday) Phil and I went to Bendigo to the library to do some more research into the Dodd/Cardwell families. It was a quite successfull day, adding some more information about the Dodd family to my collection and discovering that the family had ties with the town of Chewton and were miners. We now have other family names to add to the list, i.e. the Morrison's, Campbell's who married into the Dodd family. We also went to the Benidgo cemetary where Phil's mother is buried and also where the kids great grandmother Irene Cardwell has family is buried. We found the grave for her parents and brother. Her brother Richard died in Frances in the first world war.
Chewton is a lovely little town about 10 kilometres from Castlemaine. They have a farmers market every Saturday, so in the next few weeks we will make a return visit, they also have a family history section in their town hall which is open on weekends so will visit that as well.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


What a spectular game this was - all I can say is if both teams make it to the Grand Final it will be a game to see.
Thanks to Michael Gardner playing a fantastic game on his birthday, Nick as always 100% and Lenny Hayes playing another great game. Well done boys. And as for the backline boys they played the game of their lives.


While the rest of the Clark's are away on holidays Steph is staying with us for a few days. On Friday we headed off to Watergardens for Steph to have a makeup lesson. We spent about 45 minutes there while Steph was shown how to apply her makeup properly, then headed off to Highport for lunch and then to do some shopping. With money spent by both of us and goodies to take home a very successful day.


On Sunday the 17th May we ventured up to Meredith to watch Byron and the girls ride at the track up there. It was Byron's final practice run before heading off to Finke. Although the weather was overcast the rain held off and it wasn't too cold. This was the first time we had seen Byron racing and must say he raced very well. Both the girls competed well. On the way back home we meandered through the country side and ended up out at Eynesbury the new estate just out of Melton. We stopped and had a look at a few display houses and the estate itself and its a very nice place, very quiet and should be quite something when it is finally finished.


Last Sunday Phil & I took the girls to Science Works. It was the first time I had been there so enjoyed seeing all the different displays and how things work, doing tasks with the girls and having a lot of fun. Suprised myself that I could still shoot goals at the netball ring but didnt try out the sprint track, but Monique did well her times were very good. We did the robot workshop andNique and Jordja both made robots. All in all a good day and it didnt break the bank a very economical way to spend the day for families. And I got to use my seniors card again, I got in for free only Phil had to pay.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye Max

Sadly this morning Byron's boxer Max passed away. He was about 10 years old and had had a very good life, born in Queensland, he came to live with Byron & Kylie in Albury, then travelled with them to Darwin and then back to Victoria to Pucka and on Byron's discharge from the army to Melton where he spent this remaining years. He was a beautiful dog, with a gentle nature even though he was a very large dog. I will miss him and looking after him when they were away.

Max you were a wonderful friend and companion to Byron and you will be missed.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Last night I went to see this movie with a friend from work. We had a quick tea at Ruby's the local pizza place and then went to the 6.45pm show. The Proposal starred Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds and is a story about Margaret a domineering ice queen boss and her male assistant Andrew. Margaret is about to be deported and orders Andrew to marry her. From there the story progress into some very funny and some not so funny scenes but all in all a good laugh and is definately a chic movie. And I got to use my Seniors Card for the first time lol.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well have finally got around to updating my blog. Must admit have been fairly busy with one thing or another the past couple of months and havent found the time to write my normal updates. We have had to replace our computer following a rather nasty bug, so with the help of Ben we have two computers now, one for the business and one for us. We seem to have finally got ourselves sorted after a few hiccups but are now running smoothly.

We have been to Darwin for our yearly visit with Deb & Steve and as usual for Phil to go fishing, unfortunately no fish this year, the wet was hanging around and it was very humid still so the fish had taken a holiday. We have a great time but must admit although the weather was great by the end was looking forward to coming home. Phil spent a couple of days working with Steve and came home full of ideas to renovate our bathrooms, so will see what happens. We went to a Camp Quality Dinner which was fantastic, the students at the Charles Darwin University, Hospitatily section did all the catering and wine choices, and we had a really great meal and some lovely wines which we have managed to acquire with some degree of difficulty on our return home. Now to enjoy the Bonking Frog Merlot which we finally managed to get in Ballarat last week. Unfortunately didnt get to catch up with Kyle and Jan but hopefully will do that next year. Mel and Ben house sat for us while we were away and will be back later in the year to look after the house again. Hopefully Molly won't be locked in the bedroom for 7 hours this time, poor thing she was very distressed but has recovered.

The Clark's and the Kelly's have been in Alice Springs supporting Byron in his ride in the Finke. Congratulations Byron on completing this very gruelling ride and to finish in itself is an achievement from what I have heard and read so well done on doing as well as you did. While the Clarks were away we had Monty to stay, he enjoyed himself not to sure about my dogs, but they are now back to their normal routine so won't tell them yet that Monty is coming back at the end of the month.

Spent a couple of lovely days with Dearne when she was over recently staying with Emma. We a day at Soveriegn Hill and a trip to the pictures to see Star Trek which was great and it was so good to spend time with my dear friend who is doing it tough at the moment.

We spent our Ruddy money on airfares for our next holiday in October, the added $1800 allowed us to change our plans from the Cook Islands to go to Disneyland instead with a stopover in Las Vegas, so am looking forward to the big adventure later in the year.

Have been working fairly steadily the last couple of months and am about to cover for two weeks leave this coming weeks and after that will be working, Mon, Tues & Thurs mornings till the end of October and also covering for Tammie while she is away for 5 weeks so will deserve my holiday in October.

Phil has been selling a few tanks recently and we delivered one out to North Drummond last week to a lovely couple who live in the middle of nowhere. It was a nice day out, the weather was very cold but it didnt rain. The couple we delivered the tank too do not have electricity, running water or gas, so are totally self sufficient and made me realise that I didn't want to live that way myself it looked like hard work.

This weekend Phil is away and Craig is in Shepparton so have had Bridgette here last night and part of today. Tonight I am off to have pizza and go to the pictures with Sandy one of the women I work with we are going to see The Proposal.

The only other thing of significance is that Craig was made redundant at the end of May so is now once again on the job hunting trail, but with things the way they are, its not a good time to be out of work.

Monday, March 30, 2009


When I booked this trip I didn't realise how far it was from Adelaide to Port Lincoln. It took us 8 hours to drive there, but we have had a good week away and the weather was excellent except for rain on Tuesday when we went to Coffin Bay, then to Cummins and onto Koppio to see the Smithy Museum which was step back in time once again. We seem to see a lot of these places all over Australia and it still amazes us that people lived this way and worked so hard. Wednesday dawned fine and sunny and we went on a boat tour of Boston Bay to see the tuna fishing farms and learn about the multi-million dollar tuna industry which is controlled by 12 companies and their average profit in a good year is $40million. We also visited the local seal colony. At the end of the tour we were given a taste of Blue Fin sashimi tuna which was interesting, but considering how expensive it is won't be developing a liking for it. Thursday was a rest day for me as Phil had his fishing day. Dropped him off at the Marina at 7.00am and collected him at 5.00pm. He had a great day catching numerous types of fish and came home with 3 good sized whiting for his tea. The rest of the catch went home with the tour operator. I had a very lazy day doing not very much went for a leisurely stroll around the town centre, had lunch, bought 3 new books and headed back to the cabin to read but actually had a nanny nap instead. Friday saw us making our way back to Port Augusta via Tumby Bay, Arno Bay, Cowell where we had lunch and then to Whyalla where we spent an one or so looking over the area, saw dolphins swimming in the marina and were amazed at the colour of the town, everything is a dark orange colour due to the smelter and the iron ore production there, visited the Whyalla Maritime Museum and saw the HMAS Whyalla. On from there to Port Augusta which is a very strange town, although quite a big town it doesnt seem to me to have changed that much since I was there 40 years ago. Dinner at the local chinese capped off a good week and on Saturday morning we headed back to Adelaide via Port Pirie and then across country to Port Wakefield, lunch in Glenelg and then home. What a great way to celebrate the start of my 60th year.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well my surprise birthday dinner was cruising the Yarra River enjoying a lovely evening with family and friends, eating good food and just having a very relaxing evening. Thank you Phil and Mel for all the hard work and can say that it was a great success and everybody enjoyed themselves. Had a photo of myself with Trish, Dearne, Kylie and Deb taken before we left home and must say we scrubbed up well. P.S. loved my birthday cake which unfortunately at this point in time I don't have a photo of but hopefully Mel does. Anyway its on the video which will be forwarded to all when its been put on disc.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What a lovely day I had for my birthday, even though I had to work for two hours in the morning, the day was a good one. Phil was responsible for the red roses, big box of chocies and the pearl earing and pendant to wear with my outfit on Saturday night to my surprise birthday bash. Trish, Al & the girls gave me a balloon ride which is exciting as I have always wanted to do it and Byron, Kylie and Jordja gave me a very nice bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne which will be drunk on a very special occasion. Thank you to everyone who sent cards and good wishes and to Brenda at work for the other bouquet of flowers. We had a lovely dinner at L A Headquarters and then back to Trish's for cake am out again tonight with the girls from work for dinner at the Galli so that will be fun.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


What a great night we had at the Grand Star in Altona on the 6th March. It was a fund raising dinner for cancer and we went to support friends of Trish & Al. The main attraction for the evening was BABBA who we had never seen but as ABBA lovers we thought it would be good fun. Unfortunately they were not that good but we still managed to sing and dance the night away. The down side from the night is that by Monday my back had gone to god and have for the past week or so been in pain and unable to get about very much, but hopefully it will come good before my birthday and I run out of painkillers. Managed to go shopping with Trish and her friend Sally to Highpoint yesterday and got new shoes and evening bag to go with my outfit for the big 60th birthday dinner next saturday night. Might still be hobbling along but will hopefully look good. The upside of being housebound has been that I have read several more books and discovered the series A Horseman Riding By which original belonged to Mum and as I never saw the TV series have started to read the first book and it is lovely to be reading someone who writes so beautifully which a lot of the current writer don't do. Mind you I read the new Karen Rose in a day but don't think I will get through this lot quite so quick.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dearne and Bill have two dogs, Choloe the boxer who is nearly one and was given to Dearne last year by Lucas and Zelda the staffy was Bill's fathers day present. They are lovely dogs but big and full of energy. They have the run of the house and just go crazy leaping and bounding over everything and everyone and then collapsing on the couches and sleeping. Choloe loves to go to the dog park where she is able to run around off the leash and wear herself out. Zelda hates the lead and simply refuses to go for a walk she sits in the corner of the room and cowers so she doesnt get out of the house very often because she won't get in the car either.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


This is what the local young males do on a Friday night. They vandalise cars. Image Craig's horror when he went out this morning to discover that the back windscreen of his car had been hit with a rock (see photo). He was on his way to Shepparton so woke us to tell his father what had happened and left it for us to deal with. First the police who said there was very little they could do but would log for insurance purposes. Secondly call to Byron to get the number for the windscreen company, then a call to them to arrange to have a new/secondhand one fitted. All went very efficiently and by 11.30ish the fitter was here with a secondhand window and did a good job replacing it and vacuuming up all the glass. Now all Craig has to do is pay the bill when it arrives, luckily he has just started work so has money.


During my last visit to Launceston to research James Peters I made an appointment to see Ross Smith at the Queen Victoria Museum. Unfortunately he was unable to assist me with the information I was looking for i.e. map of Invermay circa 1889 to locate the area of King Street where James Peters died. He explained that a lot of the streets in the early days of Invermany had been renamed and therefore lost. But in talking to him and showing a newspaper article about James moving his business into a building in Cameron Street owned by a Mr Genders he found some early photos of Cameron Street and informed me that in fact there was now a laneway called Genders Lane and that the building to the left was the original building owned by Mr Genders. So after some actually visual research with Dearne we concluded that the building now painted cream was the building not the lovely one next door.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Happy 27th birthday Ben hope you have has a great day and enjoyed your night out.


Have just spent time in Tassie with Dearne. Flew done on Monday afternoon and came home on Friday night. Have had a lovely time with Dearne and managed to spend money, drink coffee and go out for a fantastic lunch with Ian and Wen at the Christmas Hills Farm cafe were we enjoyed fresh raspberries and good food. Was lovely to catch up with them both we managed to spend three hours there eating and chatting. Did some more family research and now know where his business was located in Cameron Street, Launceston and have managed to trace his housing arrangements into some sort of order. Also got copies of two census's that were done in the early 1850's and it is interesting to note that he only had one servant a male (ticket of leave) but no female servants. Anyway will now start to write up his story so far and get it on paper before I forget the good bits. The weather was lovely down there not like the heat that has greeted me on my return to Melbourne.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Molly loves balls, big ones, small ones and medium sized ones. Today she scored two new ones, Byron had managed to get her a big tennis ball a couple of weeks ago and left it for her today plus while we were out shopping we found a medium sized one at BigW so she was beside herself this afternoon trying to work out which one to play with. Many squeals and barks could be heard from the backyard as Phil bounced and tossed the ball around. Her favourite thing to do with the ball is to put a hole in it so she can then carry it around in her mouth. It will take her a couple of days to manage to do this and then she will be in seventh heaven.

Monday, January 19, 2009


We have just had a lovely weekend away at Bairnsdale. We both needed a break and I decided it was a good opportunity to have a look around the Ninety Mile beach area. We are on the search for somewhere to possibly retire too, so we keep looking at different areas. Had seen a few places on the internet and so we headed off to look at them. Golden Beach and Loch Sport were the main ones. We were not that impressed with Golden Beach so headed over to Loch Sport which was much nicer and we drove around and then had a look at a couple of houses there. The prices were reasonable but decided that we would need to come back in the winter to see what it was like and the mossies drove us mad. We stopped on our way back on Saturday to look at the old Swing Bridge which is operated at the weekends by volunteers. A very interested form off bridge and we just missed it being opened. On the Friday night we had a lovely meal at the Railway Hotel and on Saturday night we had dinner at the RSL also very nice. On Sunday we made our way home via Maffra, Sale then down through Yarram back home that way. A nice break away and a chance to relax.


Today being the first day I have been free to take the girls to the pictures Monique and I went to Watergardens to see the movies. Bridgette was supposed to come too but she decided to stay home. We got there early so that I could do a little bit of shopping before the movie and have a bite of lunch. The movie was good but perhaps a bit young for Monique it was probably more suitable for Jodja's age group but we enjoyed our day out.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Happy 11th birthday Bridgette. Hope you had a great day and enjoyed all your wonderful presents. We all had a nice meal out followed by cake.



It seems like only the other day that we closed for the Christmas break and I am now back at work. What a welcome back to the working year, the computer hard drive for the security camera's had crashed over the holidays and the automatic doors aren't working so it has been a hectic morning. On top of that all over elderly clients were ringing for podiatry appoinments, but luckily Tammie (see photo) was working the morning shift with me as well so was able to process the appointments. Hope the rest of the coming two weeks is less hectic.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Last night I went to see The Wind in the Willows with Trish, Monique and Bridgette at the Royal Botanical Gardens. We took a picinic tea with us and watched a very lively performance of this great story which was very good. The girls enjoyed themselves and were both involved in the play as they ask members of the audience to assist them. A good time was had by all and a lovely way to spend a summers night.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year everybody. We spent New Year's Eve with Trish and the girls as Al was away and they hadn't gone to the van this year. Phil and I normally don't celebrate New Year but as Phil was away on Christmas Day we decided to splurge and have a drink or two or three and luckily the Kelly's were there and they drove us home.