Sunday, June 29, 2008



Bridgette has spent the weekend with us. She original was only coming for the night on Friday but it ended up staying until Sunday afternoon. She had a great time playing games on the XBox, then on Craig's computer playing World of WarCraft. On Saturday morning Bridgette and I made pumpkin soup and vegetable muffins for lunch. Byron came around on Saturday to borrow the mower as his is not working. Anyway after he returned the mower asked if he wanted to come bowling as we had promised Brigette we would go, Trish joined us as well and we all had a fun time. Everybody but me played two games and as you can see from the photos some strange goings on happened. We then had coffee at the Jolly Miller were we all ate goodies and drank coffee. Saturday night watched the footy...Go Saints...what a good win. Sunday we just muddled around, read the paper in bed, got up late, had bacon and eggs and just spent a lazy day not doing a lot.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Have been working this past week or so, so not much to report. Had a shopping day on the Monday before Ian & Wen headed home on the 17th after having enjoyed themselves house sitting and visiting family and friends and a trip up to Echuca. My camera died when we got back from Darwin so have bought myself a new Kodak ZD710 which I am busy learning to use. It is very different from my Canon so will see how we go.

Managed in between working to do some scrapbooking which was good. On the days that I was working Phil and Simon managed to finish laying the pavers in the backyard, now will leave them sit for awhile before we do the next stage which is to put a timber pathway and seating area along the back fence. As our driver has resigned and finishes at the end of the month Phil won't have any spare time for awhile.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



On Saturday afternoon we all went fishing on the Darwin harbour. It was a beautiful day with just a few whispy clouds in the sky. We spent about 3 hours out on the boat fishing but have to say that as usual I didn't manage to catch anything, but Phil using a hand line caught 3 fish, one stripey and two blue tuskers all of a fairly good size, so as you can imagine he was very pleased with himself.

On the way home I had a go at driving the boat, which I have to say was fun, if not a bit stressful when we got close to the wharf, but then handed over to Deb for her to take us back to the boat ramp. It was a nice way to spend our last day in Darwin and hopefully when we get back up there next time I will manage to finally catch a fish.



Phil and I have just spent a week in Darwin staying with Deb & Steve. The reason for our holiday was simple. Phil was going fishing. The last time we were in Darwin he didnt manage to catch anything so we made this holiday one purely for him to go fishing and to catch a big one.

Well his first day out was not to good, he and Steve went crabbing and didnt get any, but somehow managed to get his right foot caught up in a fish hook resulting in him having the barb going through the top of his foot, through two veins, blood spurting everywhere and ending up in hospital after he collapsed and an ambulance was called.

Anyway he was ok and alls well that ends well. The next day the boys were out again and they managed to catch to very big jew fish. The one Phil is holding weighted 17 kilos and he was very pleased with himself. Have to say that it was wonderful eating and as a non fish eater I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Super Clinic
On Monday I started training to work in our new Super Clinic. I spent the morning at Bacchus Marsh learning the telephone system then on Tuesday began at the Super Clinic. It is very different from the community health centre all new with the latest technology and lovely working conditions. Must admit when I came home on Tuesday had a headache from trying to learn all the new systems and practices. Back again on Thursday for more and again today but by the end of today was feeling much for confident so will see how we go in the future.
Had the day off on Wednesday and did some retail therapy at Watergardens with Trish. Managed to get some scrapbook things I needed and then did a quickie of all the shops as well.
Ian & Wen arrive from Tassie tomorrow night and we fly out for Darwin on Monday. They are having a break over here while we are away and will have the use of my car so a good way to have a cheap holiday, even managed to get them cheap flights with Tiger Airlines.