Tuesday, June 17, 2008



Phil and I have just spent a week in Darwin staying with Deb & Steve. The reason for our holiday was simple. Phil was going fishing. The last time we were in Darwin he didnt manage to catch anything so we made this holiday one purely for him to go fishing and to catch a big one.

Well his first day out was not to good, he and Steve went crabbing and didnt get any, but somehow managed to get his right foot caught up in a fish hook resulting in him having the barb going through the top of his foot, through two veins, blood spurting everywhere and ending up in hospital after he collapsed and an ambulance was called.

Anyway he was ok and alls well that ends well. The next day the boys were out again and they managed to catch to very big jew fish. The one Phil is holding weighted 17 kilos and he was very pleased with himself. Have to say that it was wonderful eating and as a non fish eater I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Deepak Singh said...
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Melsta said...

ouch.... well those crocs have definitely seen better days... so has that fish too I imagine... little heffa! :P