Sunday, June 29, 2008



Bridgette has spent the weekend with us. She original was only coming for the night on Friday but it ended up staying until Sunday afternoon. She had a great time playing games on the XBox, then on Craig's computer playing World of WarCraft. On Saturday morning Bridgette and I made pumpkin soup and vegetable muffins for lunch. Byron came around on Saturday to borrow the mower as his is not working. Anyway after he returned the mower asked if he wanted to come bowling as we had promised Brigette we would go, Trish joined us as well and we all had a fun time. Everybody but me played two games and as you can see from the photos some strange goings on happened. We then had coffee at the Jolly Miller were we all ate goodies and drank coffee. Saturday night watched the footy...Go Saints...what a good win. Sunday we just muddled around, read the paper in bed, got up late, had bacon and eggs and just spent a lazy day not doing a lot.

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