Tuesday, June 17, 2008



On Saturday afternoon we all went fishing on the Darwin harbour. It was a beautiful day with just a few whispy clouds in the sky. We spent about 3 hours out on the boat fishing but have to say that as usual I didn't manage to catch anything, but Phil using a hand line caught 3 fish, one stripey and two blue tuskers all of a fairly good size, so as you can imagine he was very pleased with himself.

On the way home I had a go at driving the boat, which I have to say was fun, if not a bit stressful when we got close to the wharf, but then handed over to Deb for her to take us back to the boat ramp. It was a nice way to spend our last day in Darwin and hopefully when we get back up there next time I will manage to finally catch a fish.


Melsta said...

Look at you two with your matching outfits, all in blue, sunnies and dorky hats... like the Darwin version of the blues brothers crossed with Tweedledee & Tweedledum, and just as dash of Kath and Kel... let it be known that I will disown you both if your seen in public in matching parachute pants tracksuits.... :D

Melsta said...

PS where'd you learn you drive that thing! LOL

Ann said...

It wasnt intentional that we looked alike. Just had a chuckle sitting here reading your comments.

Ann said...

As to your question about learning to drive the boat, I had a 2 minute lesson from Deb and then off we went. Mind you the only thing I can do is steer the bloody thing when it came time to head into the boat ramp Deb took over the helm.